10 Star Wars Droids That Are Exceptionally Sassy, Ranked

May is the month of Star Wars. Outside of Star Wars Day–“May the 4th be with you”–you can spend the whole month reminding people that Star Wars is great by saying “May the 1st be with you” or “May the 25th be with you” and so on and so forth. In fact, we’d argue you should do that, as Star Wars is too big for a single day. Ever since the release of what we now call Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope in 1977, the franchise has taken the world by storm. It’s a lot of science fiction mixed with a little bit of fantasy, yet what truly sets the film franchise apart are its memorable characters, some of which are droids that (try to) help or (try to) hurt the beloved characters.

The Star Wars universe is filled with robots you’ll fall in love with. When you take a closer look, many of them are pretty sassy. When we use the term “sassy,” we are talking about large, occasionally helpful personalities that don’t always do what they’re told, stand up for their beliefs, and trash talk back at the people barking orders.

So looking at the world of Star Wars droids, we did a list about coolest droids (R2D2 wins that one). We could have done a list featuring weirdest-looking droids (WED-15 Septoid Treadwell wins that one), but we wanted to focus on the ones with the biggest personalities that weren’t sociopaths (Triple 0 wins the most-sociopathic droid award). What we found were 10 sassy droids and decided to rank them in order of least- to most-sassy. Check them out.

10. C-3PO

This may cause a little bit of controversy. C-3PO is one of the most memorable droids in the entire Star Wars franchise. They have a large personality and seem to be incredibly cranky. However, C-3PO’s sassiness comes by way of their relationship with traveling companion R2-D2. C-3PO wants to go about completing tasks and do the right thing; however, he also tries to avoid conflict as much as possible, which, in turn, makes them seem a little bit like a coward. C-3PO will stand up for themselves–primarily against R2-D2. So while C-3PO seems sassy on the surface, they aren’t nearly as sassy as the others on this list. C-3PO is more of a butler with a few fun quips.

9. Battle Droids

First appearing in the Star Wars prequels, Battle Droids were the cannon fodder of the Separatist Droid Army for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. They were simple frontline robotic soldiers who would win the award of “most likely to get chopped in half by a lightsaber.” What sets these droids apart from others in the Separatist Droid Army were their personalities. They tended to question why they were on the frontlines, felt uneasy about being cannon fodder, and tended to be on the brink of unionizing. They almost stood up for what they believed in, in a comical way. Questioning authority, no matter how little–using comedy–is a mild level of sassiness. Plus, they’re a nice comedic relief for the prequels.

8. DUM-series Pit Droid

First introduced in Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, these droids were tasked with fixing Podracers. However, these droids didn’t truly get the credit in sassiness they deserve until their appearances in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. Peli Motto used these droids in her hanger in Mos Eisley to fix ships–most notably, Din Djarin’s. What makes these little fixers sassy is that when they aren’t fixing ships, there’s a lot of silly in-fighting between them. They also just toss stuff around the hanger after they’re done using it, with no regard to the items they were just using.

7. FLO (WA-7)

FLO (the WA-7 droid) appears in one scene in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, along with an episode of The Clone Wars. The WA-7 in the film is described as “A sassy waitress droid” on the official Star Wars site. Working at Dexter’s Diner, FLO is modeled after a stereotypical American diner waitress from the 1950s. While they have appearances in the comics, The Clone Wars appearance offers nothing from their personality. So, all we really have to go on is their appearance in Attack of the Clones.However, even from that short appearance, you can see that FLO fits the mold of a sassy droid.

6. TT-8L

At first, you’re probably wondering, “What the heck is a TT-8L droid?” But then, you look above this writing and see what it is. With appearances in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi and The Clone Wars, TT-8L has zero patience for anyone or anything. We first met a TT-8L in Return of the Jedi, and they were not in the mood to deal with C-3PO and R2-D2. The TT-8L was brash, wouldn’t let the hero droids get a word in, and was a bit aggressive with them. TT-8L also laughed in their faces.

5. BB-8

Every Star Wars movie needs a fun sidekick droid. For the sequel trilogy, Rey had BB-8. This rolling, little ball droid followed Rey around the desert and became her buddy in The Force Awakens. While BB-8 came off originally like a lost puppy dog, they quickly turned the tables by shocking Finn the first time they met despite having no real reason to do so. Like many of the other sidekick droids, BB-8 has a distinct personality and attitude that makes them quite sassy.

4. Mouse Droids

The Empire uses its fair share of droids; however, most of them are assigned menial tasks. Mostly seen on Star Destroyers or the Death Star, the MSE-6-series repair droid (Mouse droid) is supposedly used to repair, complete maintenance, and make deliveries on ships. However, we mostly see them as snitches to the Empire. They’re like miniature cop cars. In Season 3 of The Mandalorian, we got to see the sassier side of them, as they raced down the hallways, with their police lights flashing, bumping into an R5 unit. They’re just tiny little bullies that have no real effect on anyone.

3. L3-37

When it comes to modern Star Wars droids, L3-37 is the best. She wants to liberate droids to free them from their programming so the droids can have free will. She don’t take crap from anyone. And L3-37 has an exceptionally fun and engaging personality. However, L3-37 stands up for what they believe in. Most importantly, L3-37 is an amazing navigational droid–much better than Lando–and she knows it, so she has no problem dishing out the insults because L3-37 holds all the cards. She is exceptionally confident and truly believes that Lando loves them–because Lando does.

2. R2-D2

R2-D2 is number two? You’re darn tootin’ they’re number two. R2-D2 set the tone for “sassy droid” from its first appearance in A New Hope, but raised the sassy-levels in further appearances. R2-D2 travels around with C-3PO, and while we never know what R2-D2 saying to C-3PO–because R2-D2 speaks in “beeps” and “boops”–it’s very obvious the things being said are rude and sassy, based on C-3PO’s responses. This dynamic continues throughout the films, even when the duo are reunited in the sequel trilogy. You know when R2-D2 says something to C-3PO, it’s going to be rude. R2-D2 occasionally does this to other characters, but its fury and rage is generally directed at its golden travel companion.

1. Chopper

Finally, we bring to you the sassiest droid of them all, and they haven’t appeared in a lot of live-action content. Chopper’s first appearance is from the animated series Rebels, where they are the repair droid on the ship named Ghost, surrounded by a group of rebels in the early days of the Empire. Chopper is sassy to everyone on the ship and is at times unhinged. There are even numerous moments where Chopper goes against their mission or objective to find another solution, and it’s not always the best solution. Chopper also made numerous appearances in Ahsoka, where they teamed, once again, with Rebel’s compatriot Hera. And of course, Chopper is still incredibly sassy towards Hera, even though we can’t understand every word the droid is saying–although, there are some times you can make out things Chopper is saying. Chopper does their own thing and has no problem acting out and giving people attitude, and that’s why they are the sassiest droid in the Star Wars universe.

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