Life is Strange developer Deck Nine accused of toxic workplace culture in new report

A new investigation into developer Deck Nine – best known as the current steward of Life is Strange, a series celebrated for its inclusivity – has painted a picture of a studio where toxicity, hate speech, harassment, crunch, bullying, and abusive leadership has been able to fester as a result inaction from senior management.

The lengthy report from IGN’s Rebekah Valentine, based on testimony from over a dozen current and former employees across several departments at Deck Nine, makes a number of eye-opening allegations, many highlighting a seeming disconnect between the inclusive values that have made Life is Strange such a beloved hit and those of the studio.

IGN’s sources highlight instances of sexual harassment, bullying, transphobia, and other toxicity at Deck Nine, which senior management reportedly let remain “unaddressed for months on end”. These include harassment and aggression from an unnamed senior programmer towards female staff – with management said to have first responded to staff complaints by moving his team’s desks far away from other departments so his yelling couldn’t be heard, rather than take action to address his behaviour directly. The staff member in question was, however, eventually let go.

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