Avowed’s new story trailer shows a three-way fight for The Living Lands, but still no firm release date

I feel like we’ve already got a pretty good idea of what Obsidian’s upcoming RPG Avowed is all about by now. But just in case you needed a reminder, or wanted a closer look at its colourful fantasy landscape, tonight’s Xbox Games Showcase brought us a new ‘story trailer’ for it. Have a watch below.

As per previous Avowed trailers, you play as an envoy of Aedyr sent to investigate a mysterious plague known as ‘The Dream Scourge’ that’s spreading through the wild frontier of The Living Lands – an all-new region of the Pillars of Eternity world we haven’t seen before.

But as the masked, flame-eyed knight in the trailer suggests, there’s more going on with the Dream Scourge than meets the eye. They call it a “symptom of a deeper, more dangerous rot” in the land, and ask you to tame the chaos so that they might rise up and shape The Living Lands’ future.

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