Alien Movies: The IGN Community Ranking, From Best to Worst

There’s a new Alien movie on the horizon, so it’s a good time to check in on where the IGN community stands on the age-old debate of Alien Vs Aliens. It is a battle that will rage on eternally, but as of today – with nearly 200,000 votes logged – there is a clear favorite. Here’s how the eight Alien movies are ranked, from best to worst.

AliensAlienPrometheusAlien 3Alien CovenantAlien Vs PredatorAlien ResurrectionAlien Vs Predator: Requiem

Things could change if Team Alien logs on in force, but right now the margin of victory is fairly decisive, with Aliens winning 78.9% of its matches and Alien defeating its rival 73.7% of the time.

Where do you think Alien: Romulus will end up in this list? It’s a safe bet it’s not going to topple either of the first two, but there’s a fairly massive gap between second and third place; Prometheus has won just 49% of its matches, so Romulus doesn’t have a very high bar to clear in order to push it down the list when it’s added to the Face-Off on August 16, 2024. That’s the optimistic prediction, of course (the trailer certainly does a good job of raising hopes!) but even being pessimistic it’s hard to believe it could dethrone Requiem as the very worst the series has to offer.


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