Apex Legends Season 21: Upheaval Battle Pass Cosmetics, New Exotic Shards Currency, And Free Rewards

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Apex Legends Season 21: Upheaval Battle Pass Cosmetics, Currency & Free Rewards

Many of Upheaval’s battle pass cosmetics resemble Wraith’s original Voidwalker skin.

Apex Legends Season 21: Upheaval is now live, and has brought with it a new battle pass for players to work their way through as the season progresses. The Upheaval battle pass boasts 110 levels of rewards, including treats like high-tier Apex Packs, new reactive weapon skins, and a new type of in-game currency for players to unlock.

The Upheaval battle pass’s Legend skins all feature an aesthetic similar to that of Wraith’s Voidwalker skin, with white armor and helmets with purple visors. Given the fact that Season 21’s debut Legend, Alter, is the only other Legend besides Wraith who is confirmed to be from another dimension, the visual callback to Wraith’s episode of Stories From The Outlands makes sense. But stylish Legend gear is far from the only thing Season 21 has to offer–keep scrolling for a breakdown of all the rewards and loot included in Apex Legends‘ new Upheaval Battle Pass.

Battle pass types

Just like previous battle passes, the Upheaval battle pass comes in three flavors: a free version, a premium version, and a “Premium Bundle” version that helps players kick-start their battle-pass progress. Details on each type of battle pass are listed below:

Free: The free Upheaval battle pass is unlocked simply by playing, and doesn’t require any purchases on the player’s part. The free version of the battle pass gives players access to specific battle-pass rewards, mainly consisting of music packs, transition screens, and stat trackers for various Legends.

Premium: Available for 950 AC ($9.50 USD), the standard premium battle pass gives players access to all 110 levels of premium rewards. Players who choose to purchase the standard premium Upheaval battle pass will instantly unlock the following items:

ALERT: SECURITY BREACH transition screen10% XP Boost (increases the amount of battle-pass XP earned for wins and Top 5 placements, applies to all party members, stackable)Chaos’ Embrace Alter Legend skin (Epic)Corrupted Void Wraith Legend skin (Epic)Creeping Death Revenant Legend skin (Epic)Void Touched Volt SMG weapon skin (Legendary)

Premium Bundle: The Premium Upheaval Bundle is available for 2,800 AC ($28 USD). Players who purchase this version of the battle pass will receive all rewards included in the free and premium versions of the battle pass, with the added bonus of immediately unlocking the first 25 levels of the battle pass, granting them instant access to the pass’s Legendary-tier Apex Pack, Seer’s new Creeping Void Legendary skin, several types of in-game currency, and more.

Ultimately, both the premium Upheaval battle pass and the Premium Upheaval Bundle will grant players the same rewards, but the pricier option gives players access to those rewards much faster than the standard premium pass, instantly bumping players up to level 26 (level 1 is unlocked by default).

Apex Coins, Apex Packs, Crafting Metals, Exotic Shards, and XP Boosts

In addition to cosmetic Legend and weapon skins, holosprays, stickers, voice quips, music packs, skydive emotes, regular emotes, banner frames, and Upheaval kill/win count stat trackers for the game’s Legends, the Upheaval battle pass also includes other types of useful loot, like XP Boosts, Apex Coins, Apex Packs, Crafting Metals, and the newly introduced Exotic Shards. Here’s where you’ll find them, and how to use them:

Apex Coins (AC) are the game’s premium currency, allowing players to purchase items from Collection Events and the in-game item store. Each battle pass contains enough AC to purchase the next season’s battle pass, so technically, once you buy one Apex Legends battle pass, all future passes will effectively pay for themselves (unless you spend those AC on something else, of course).

Apex Coins come in sets of 100 (equivalent to $1 USD) and can be found at the following levels: 3, 5, 21, 29, 37, 45, 61, 69, 77, 85, 93, 95, and 100.

Apex Packs are randomized loot boxes that, when opened, will unlock three random items from the evergreen cosmetic pool. Each pack also has a small chance of unlocking a set of Heirloom Shards as well, which can be used to purchase rare Mythic-tier items like Heirloom Weapon Sets and Prestige Skin Sets.

Apex Packs can be found at the following levels: 5 (Legendary-tier), 7 (x2), 21, 39, 59, 61, 63, 66, 77, 84, 85, 87, and 99 (Epic-tier).

Unless otherwise specified, all Apex Packs included in the Upheaval battle pass are Rare-tier, meaning each pack has a 100% chance of unlocking at least one Rare-tier (or better) item, a 24.8% chance of unlocking an Epic-tier (or better) item, and a 7.4% chance of unlocking a Legendary-tier item.

Crafting Metals can be used to craft Collection Event items, craft items from the evergreen cosmetic pool, or unlock recolored versions of Legendary-tier weapon and Legend skins from the in-game store.

Crafting Metals come in sets of 120, and can be found at the following levels: 4, 13, 20, 28, 36, 44, 53, 60, 68, and 76.

Exotic Shards are a new in-game currency introduced alongside the new Apex Artifact customization system. Like Apex Coins, they can be purchased directly via the in-game currency store, but they can also be earned in small amounts via other means, like leveling up your Upheaval battle pass.

Exotic Shards come in sets of 10 and can be found at level 89 of the Upheaval battle pass.

XP Boosts provide a 10% bonus to battle pass XP received from winning matches and placing in the Top 5. These bonuses stack between party members as well, so if you unlock all of them and play matches with two squadmates who have also unlocked all seasonal XP Boosts, you’ll gain a whopping 300% boost to battle pass XP from wins and Top 5 placements.

XP Boosts can be found at the following levels: 1, 6, 14, 22, 30, 38, 46, 54, 62, and 70.

Players who complete the entire Upheaval battle pass will earn a total of:

100% XP Boost for XP earned from wins and Top 5 placements1,300 Apex Coins (equivalent to $13 USD)1,200 Crafting Metals12 Rare-tier Apex Packs1 Epic-tier Apex Pack1 Legendary-tier Apex Pack

Reactive weapons

As with every Apex Legends battle pass, the Upheaval battle pass includes two Legendary-tier reactive weapon skins that evolve visually throughout each match as players rack up kills. This season, the 30-30 Repeater is getting the reactive weapon treatment, with the Legendary-tier reactive Void Impulse skin available at level 100, and the Legendary-tier reactive Reversed Polarity skin available at level 110.

Keep scrolling for a closer look at each and every cosmetic item included in the Season 21: Upheaval battle pass, and be sure to stay tuned for more Apex Legends news as Season 21 progresses.

Upheaval battle pass purchase options

ALERT: SECURITY BREACH transition screen

Chaos’ Embrace Alter skin

Corrupted Void Wraith skin

Creeping Death Revenant skin

Void Touched Volt SMG skin

Tailspin Alter skydive emote

Hacked weapon charm

Ticked Off weapon charm

Necrotic Devourer Longbow skin

Don’t Try That Weak Tea With Me Mad Maggie kill quip

Tech Takeover Spitfire weapon skin

Tainted Sight sticker

One Last Chance transition screen

Speed Trap Gibraltar banner frame

Blighted Breakdown Lifeline emote

Necrotic Devourer RE-45 weapon skin

Tech Takeover Charge Rifle weapon skin

Bleeding Moon Seer banner frame

This Is My Mark holospray

Art Is Not A Distraction From Pain Seer kill quip

Apex Blight weapon charm

Necrotic Devourer

Creeping Void Seer Legendary skin

Necrotic Devourer Alternator weapon skin

Dark Hunter Bloodhound emote

Dark Infusion Nemesis weapon skin

Stay Home Wraith kill quip

Dark Experiment Wraith banner frame

Blighted Gemstone R-301 weapon skin

Nocturnal Nature weapon charm

Tech Takeover R-99 weapon skin

Think Fast holospray

Tech Takeover Rampage weapon skin

Hacked weapon charm

What If Thye Won’t Miss You Revenant kill quip

Born This Way holospray

Necrotic Devourer Triple Take weapon skin

Production Corruption Revenant banner frame

Loose Threads transition screen

Tech Takeover Hemlock weapon skin

Alter music pack

Void Witch Catalyst Legend skin

Necro Ness weapon charm

Dark Infusion Devotion weapon skin

Necrotic Devourer Bocek weapon skin

Cataclysm Catalyst banner frame

You’ll Want To See A Doctor Catalyst kill quip

Necrotic Devourer Valkyrie Legend skin

Embrace The Dark holospray

Tech Takeover Prowler weapon skin

Tech Takeover G7 Scout weapon skin

Badbraltar Gibraltar emote

Corrupt Memory L-STAR weapon skin

Pray All You Want Caustic kill quip

Black Ice Vantage banner frame

Necrotic Devourer CAR SMG weapon skin

Wicked Wally weapon charm

Blighted Gemstone Flatline weapon skin

You Went Out With A Bang Alter kill quip

I’ll Only Haunt You holospray

Corrupted Rift Alter banner frame

Necrotic Devourer Peacekeeper weapon skin

Event Horizon Horizon banner frame

Witchy Strut sticker

Time To Kill, Friends holospray

Mi-RAGE Mirage emote

You See? Plenty Of Battles Left Ballistic kill quip

Onto The Next transition screen

Breached Containment Loba banner frame

Exotic Shards

Party Pooper Revenant emote

You Didn’t Have To Make It So Easy Crypto kill quip

No Loot Here! weapon charm

NESSIE: UNCLASSIFIED transition screen

Blighted Gemstone Sentinel weapon skin

A New Variable holospray

Hometown Horror Newcastle banner frame

Coming In Hot Alter skydive emote

Apec Pack (Epic-tier)

Void Impulse Reactive Legendary-tier 30-30 Repeater weapon skin

Reversed Polarity Reactive Legendary-tier 30-30 Repeater weapon skin

Season 21: Upheaval banner badge

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