Counter-Strike 2 Update Adds Ambidextrous Support, Adjusts Buy Menu

Counter-Strike 2 updates tend to be small and focused, and Valve’s latest patch to its highly popular shooter is no different. The recent update added a number of quality-of-life improvements to the game, including a revamped buy menu and the ability to temporarily switch your player character’s handedness mid-round.

The Counter-Strike series has allowed players to choose between right-handed and left-handed views for years, but this is the first time that you can switch the setting in the middle of a heated round. By default, it’s bound to the H key. Additionally, the handedness of each player is now visible to first-person spectators, which is a nice detail.

This April update includes a few new additions to the series’s classic buy menu. In the top-right corner, it now displays the minimum amount of money you’re guaranteed to have next round, which you can obviously improve on by winning the round or notching some kills. It also features a “dropped weapons” panel that allows you to see and pick up any weapons that you or teammates drop in the buy-zone, which will be quite useful in certain situations.

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