Effective Date: November 1st, 2024 A.D.

At Robots Over Dinosaurs, our editorial standards are the foundation of our commitment to delivering trustworthy, high-quality, and engaging content. These standards ensure that every article, review, news piece, and user submission upholds the values of accuracy, fairness, and integrity. This document outlines the guidelines all editors, writers, and contributors must follow to maintain our reputation as a credible and respected gaming platform.

1. Accuracy and Fact-Checking

1.1. Commitment to Accuracy

Robots Over Dinosaurs strives to provide accurate and reliable information in all its content. Our writers and editors are required to:

  • Thoroughly research all topics and verify facts before publication.
  • Use reputable sources and provide clear citations when referencing external data.
  • Make corrections promptly if errors are identified, with transparency and proper acknowledgment.

1.2. Verification of Sources

  • All sources used must be credible, verifiable, and trustworthy.
  • When reporting on rumors or leaks in the gaming industry, the speculative nature must be clearly indicated to readers.
  • Unverified claims should not be published without clear attribution and a disclaimer indicating the lack of confirmation.

2. Fairness and Objectivity

2.1. Impartial Reviews

  • All game reviews must be objective, honest, and based on the reviewer’s direct experience with the game.
  • Reviews should evaluate games on multiple aspects, such as gameplay, graphics, storyline, performance, and overall user experience, without bias or favoritism.
  • Any potential conflicts of interest (such as receiving free products or being sponsored by game companies) must be disclosed to readers.

2.2. Balanced Reporting

  • In news articles, all sides of a story must be represented fairly, avoiding favoritism or bias.
  • Editors should avoid sensationalism or clickbait headlines. Content must prioritize informative value over generating clicks.

3. Transparency and Disclosure

3.1. Sponsored Content

  • Sponsored articles, reviews, or partnerships must be clearly labeled as such.
  • Writers must disclose any affiliations with game developers, publishers, or companies related to the content they are producing.
  • Transparency is key to maintaining trust with our readers, and all paid partnerships or affiliate links should be disclosed clearly.

3.2. Review Copies and Early Access

  • If a reviewer received a game for free or had early access, this information must be disclosed at the beginning of the review.
  • Editors should ensure that receiving free copies or benefits does not influence the objectivity of the review.

4. Respectful and Inclusive Language

4.1. Non-Discriminatory Language

Robots Over Dinosaurs is committed to fostering an inclusive gaming environment. All content must be free from discriminatory language, including but not limited to:

  • Racist, sexist, homophobic, or ableist terms.
  • Any content that encourages hate speech or marginalizes specific groups of people.

4.2. Inclusivity in Coverage

  • Robots Over Dinosaurs aims to cover a wide range of games that appeal to diverse audiences.
  • Writers are encouraged to explore stories, games, and events that highlight underrepresented groups in gaming and showcase inclusive content.

5. Content Originality and Plagiarism

5.1. Original Work

  • All content published on Robots Over Dinosaurs must be original and created specifically for the site.
  • Writers and contributors must not plagiarize or copy content from other sources without proper attribution and permissions.

5.2. Proper Attribution

  • When quoting or referencing external sources, writers must provide appropriate credit and links to the original content.
  • All images, videos, or other media used in articles must either be original or have proper licensing and attribution.

6. Editorial Independence

6.1. Freedom from Outside Influence

  • Robots Over Dinosaurs operates with editorial independence and does not allow advertisers, partners, or external stakeholders to influence content.
  • Editorial decisions are made based on the interests of our readers, not on financial or commercial considerations.

6.2. Editorial Oversight

  • Editors are responsible for maintaining these standards and reviewing all content before publication.
  • Robots Over Dinosaurs will not accept editorial content that serves only the purpose of promoting a company, game, or product without providing value to readers.

7. Corrections and Updates

7.1. Handling Errors

  • If an error is identified in any published content, it must be corrected promptly.
  • Corrections must be made transparently, with an explanation of the mistake and the date the correction was made.

7.2. Updating Content

  • Editors should ensure that older content, especially news articles or reviews, is updated to reflect new information when relevant.
  • In cases where a game undergoes significant updates (such as patches or expansions), reviews may be updated to provide a more current evaluation.

8. User-Generated Content

8.1. Community Contributions

  • Robots Over Dinosaurs values user-generated content such as reviews, forum posts, and comments. All such content must adhere to the same editorial standards regarding respect, accuracy, and originality.
  • User submissions that violate the Code of Ethics, contain hate speech, or are deemed inappropriate by moderators will be removed.

8.2. Moderation

  • The editorial team and moderators will ensure that user-generated content is reviewed and moderated according to the platform’s standards.
  • Content that violates community guidelines or these editorial standards will be subject to removal, and repeated offenses may lead to user account suspension.

9. Graphic and Video Standards

9.1. Quality of Multimedia Content

  • All multimedia content, including graphics, videos, and screenshots, must be high-quality and relevant to the accompanying text.
  • Multimedia should not be altered in a way that misrepresents the product, event, or subject matter.

9.2. Licensing and Copyright

  • All multimedia content must either be original or have the proper licensing and permissions for use.
  • Editors must ensure that images and videos used in articles are free from copyright infringement and give appropriate credit to the creators.

10. Privacy and Data Protection

10.1. Respect for User Privacy

  • Robots Over Dinosaurs is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. We will not publish any personal information without explicit consent.
  • We will comply with all applicable data protection laws, including ensuring that any data collection or tracking is transparent and consensual.