Forspoken Review

A Journey Through the Magical Unknown

The gaming world is no stranger to the allure of magic, fantastical realms, and heroic journeys. With “Forspoken,” Square Enix takes a leap into the unknown, bringing us a new IP that promises a fresh take on the action RPG genre. Developed by Luminous Productions, “Forspoken” had been shrouded in secrecy and anticipation for quite some time. Now that it’s finally here, it’s time to dive into the magical world of Athia and explore what this game has to offer in terms of gameplay, combat, story, audio, and graphics.

Gameplay: A Fluid Dance Through a Beautiful World

The heart of “Forspoken” lies in its gameplay, and it’s where the game truly shines. You step into the shoes of Frey Holland, a young woman transported from the bustling streets of New York City to the enchanting world of Athia. From the moment you take control of Frey, the fluidity of movement is striking. She dashes, leaps, and glides through the lush landscapes with grace and ease.

The open-world design of Athia encourages exploration, and it’s a joy to traverse. The world feels alive, with its diverse ecosystems, mysterious ruins, and hidden secrets waiting to be uncovered. The ability to climb almost any surface adds a vertical dimension to the exploration, and you’ll often find yourself scaling cliffs and towers to reach new heights.

Traversal is aided by Frey’s magical abilities, notably her speed-enhancing bracelets. These not only make getting around a breeze but also factor into combat, giving you a dynamic edge when engaging enemies. They allow you to dash around the battlefield, evading attacks and delivering powerful blows.

The gameplay loop is punctuated by a series of side quests, each offering its own unique story and rewards. While some are simple fetch quests, others delve deeper into the lore of Athia, adding depth to the world and its inhabitants. The freedom to tackle these quests at your own pace adds to the sense of immersion.

The magic system in “Forspoken” is central to both combat and traversal. Frey wields a set of magical runes that grant her a range of abilities, from casting destructive spells to summoning platforms in mid-air. Mastering the intricacies of these runes adds layers of depth to combat and puzzle-solving.

In summary, “Forspoken” excels in gameplay by offering a seamless blend of exploration, traversal, and combat. The fluidity of movement and the depth of the magic system create an engaging and immersive experience that is the game’s strongest suit.

Rating: 9

Combat: A Dynamic Dance of Magic and Swordplay

Combat in “Forspoken” is where the lines between magic and swordplay blur, and it’s a dance you’ll thoroughly enjoy. Frey’s magical abilities are at the core of combat, and they seamlessly integrate with her swordplay.

The real-time combat system is fast-paced and rewards precision and timing. Frey can string together light and heavy attacks with her magical abilities to create devastating combos. Mastering these combos is key to taking down the game’s various foes, from grotesque creatures to formidable bosses.

One of the standout features of combat is Frey’s ability to seamlessly switch between different magic runes on the fly. This allows for a dynamic and strategic approach to encounters. You might start by launching a barrage of fireballs at ranged enemies, then quickly switch to earth magic to create barriers for defense, and finish with a fire-infused sword strike to dispatch a close-range threat.

The game’s enemies are diverse and often require different tactics to defeat. Some are vulnerable to specific elements, while others have unique attack patterns that you’ll need to learn to survive. The combat remains engaging throughout the game, thanks to the introduction of new enemy types and abilities as you progress.

Frey’s acrobatic movements also play a crucial role in combat. Dodging, sprinting, and using cover are essential to survival. The combat system rewards players who can effectively juggle between ranged and melee attacks, magic, and dodging.

In addition to the standard combat encounters, “Forspoken” features challenging boss battles that test your mastery of the game’s mechanics. These epic showdowns are a highlight of the experience, requiring both skill and strategy to overcome.

While combat in “Forspoken” is undoubtedly enjoyable, it may feel somewhat familiar to those who have played other action RPGs. It doesn’t necessarily break new ground in terms of mechanics but excels in execution.

Rating: 7

Story: Unraveling the Mysteries of Athia

At the heart of “Forspoken” is its narrative, a tale of a young woman thrust into a fantastical world filled with magic and danger. Frey Holland, voiced by the talented Ella Balinska, is a relatable and well-realized protagonist. Her journey from an ordinary New Yorker to a powerful mage in Athia is compelling, and her growth throughout the game feels natural and earned.

The story of “Forspoken” is a blend of fantasy and mystery. As Frey explores Athia, she unravels the secrets of the land and its enigmatic inhabitants. The game’s plot is well-paced, with a series of revelations and twists that keep you engaged from start to finish.

Central to the narrative is Frey’s interaction with Cuff, a sentient magical bracelet. Their banter provides moments of levity amidst the challenges Frey faces. While Cuff’s character is endearing, it doesn’t reach the same depth as Frey’s.

The lore of Athia is rich and intriguing, with hints of a complex history and mythology waiting to be uncovered. The game’s side quests often delve into these aspects, providing players with additional layers of storytelling that enhance the world-building.

“Forspoken” does an admirable job of balancing its main narrative with optional side quests, allowing players to choose the depth of their engagement with the story. This approach provides a sense of agency, as you decide how deeply you want to immerse yourself in the lore of Athia.

Without giving away spoilers, the conclusion of “Forspoken” leaves room for potential sequels, and it will be interesting to see how the story unfolds in future installments.

Rating: 7

Audio: A Magical Soundscape That Immerses

The audio in “Forspoken” is a vital component of its immersive experience. The game’s soundtrack, composed by Bear McCreary, complements the magical world of Athia perfectly. The music enhances the atmosphere, adapting dynamically to the situation, whether it’s a serene exploration or a heart-pounding battle.

Voice acting is a standout feature, with Ella Balinska delivering a stellar performance as Frey. Her voice brings depth and emotion to the character, making you genuinely care about Frey’s journey. The supporting cast also does an excellent job, bringing the inhabitants of Athia to life with convincing performances.

Sound design is another area where “Forspoken” excels. The ambient sounds of the world, from the rustling of leaves to the distant roar of a waterfall, add layers of immersion to the gameplay. The menacing growls of enemies or the crackling of magical spells all contribute to the overall audio experience.

Rating: 8

Graphics: A Visual Spectacle of Magical Realms

“Forspoken” is a visual spectacle, showcasing the power of modern gaming hardware. The game’s graphics are nothing short of breathtaking, and Athia is a world you’ll want to explore just to witness its beauty.

The character models are highly detailed, with realistic facial animations that convey a wide range of emotions. Frey herself is a standout, and her expressions and movements make her a relatable and endearing protagonist.

The environments in “Forspoken” are a true marvel. From dense forests to towering cliffs and ancient ruins, each location is a work of art. The game’s use of lighting and weather effects creates a dynamic and ever-changing world that feels alive.

The attention to detail extends to the magical effects and combat animations. Spellcasting is a visual delight, with intricate and stunning visuals that make each magical ability feel powerful and awe-inspiring. Enemy design is equally impressive, with grotesque and imaginative creatures that enhance the sense of wonder and danger in Athia.

The game’s performance on modern gaming hardware is solid, with smooth framerates and quick load times. The overall visual fidelity is a testament to the capabilities of the latest gaming technology.

Rating: 9

Overall: A Magical Failed Triumph

“Forspoken” is a triumph for both Square Enix and Luminous Productions. It takes players on a magical journey through the captivating world of Athia, offering fluid gameplay, dynamic combat, an engaging story, a captivating audio experience, and breathtaking graphics.

While it doesn’t necessarily reinvent the wheel in terms of action RPG mechanics, “Forspoken” excels in execution, delivering a highly enjoyable and immersive experience. Frey Holland’s journey is one that will resonate with some players, and the mysteries of Athia will keep you engaged from beginning to end.

“Forspoken” is a must-play for fans of action RPGs and those who appreciate a well-crafted narrative in a fantastical world. It’s a testament to the potential of new gaming IPs and a promising start for what could become a beloved franchise. Square Enix and Luminous Productions have conjured something truly magical with “Forspoken.”

Rating: 8

Forspoken Game Information

  • Price: $59.99 (Standard Edition)
  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Developer: Luminous Productions
  • Director: Takeshi Aramaki
  • Composer(s): Bear McCreary, Garry Schymann
  • Platform: Sony PlayStation 5, PC

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