Halo, Call of Duty support studio Certain Affinity is laying off 25 employees

Certain Affinity – the renowned Texas-based support studio most recently reported to be working on a Halo battle royale project for Microsoft – has announced a round of layoffs, which will see 25 employees lose their jobs.

CEO Max Hoberman confirmed the layoffs – which equate to around 10 percent of Certain Affinity’s approximately 250 employees – in a post on the studio’s website, explaining the cuts predominantly impact members of its business operations teams in the US. Those affected will receive severance pay and benefits continuation, as well as “vested awards under our Stock Equity Plan portable so they may benefit from the company’s success in the future”.

Hoberman added the decision to cut jobs – said to be the first time Certain Affinity has laid off workers in its 17+ year history – was a result of “multiple factors”. “Most significant,” he explained, “is an industry-wide slow down in the funding of new lead and co-development projects and the reluctance of third party investors to fund games or game companies. This has made it exceptionally difficult to sign new work or secure other forms of funding.”

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