Hellblade 2 developer Ninja Theory’s next game reportedly already greenlit by Xbox

Microsoft has reportedly already greenlit Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 developer Ninja Theory’s next project and has “no plans whatsoever” to close the studio – news that comes amid fan concerns for its future following the closure of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.

The relative lack of promotion for Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 in the run up to tomorrow’s launch had some Ninja Theory fans worried the game might ultimately slip under the radar, leading the studio to suffer the same fate as its Xbox bedfellows. Xbox’s Aaron Greenberg previously attempted to allay fan fears by promising an imminent Hellblade 2 “global paid media campaign”, and a new report from Windows Central also suggests concern is unwarranted.

According to the publication, which says its information comes from “trusted sources”, Ninja Theory now has two projects in the works away from Hellblade 2. There’s the previously unveiled Project Mara – described by the studio as a “real-world and grounded representation of mental terror” – plus an unannounced game that’s already been greenlit by Microsoft.

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