Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores Review

A Captivating Journey into the Unknown

The Burning Shores DLC of Horizon Forbidden West picks up the narrative after the attack on The Far Zenith People and introduces a new foe, Nemesis. As players progress through the expansion, they encounter Sylens, who directs them to seek out Tilda’s residence for additional insights. Despite being initially dismissed, Sylens discloses that not all members of the Far Zenith were defeated during the Tower assault in Horizon Forbidden West’s climax. William Londra, one of them, escaped to the ruins of Los Angeles, dubbed “The Burning Shores.”

As we reach the Burning Shores, we are taken by surprise when a group of Widemaws and Burrowers attack us. It is then that we encounter Seyka, a Quen Marine who got separated from her higher-ups and some Quen Citizens while on a mission to San Francisco. Seyka’s tale becomes the driving force behind the plot of this DLC, and she soon becomes our trusted ally in our mission.

Gameplay: A Seamless Amalgam of Exploration and Adventure

Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores has taken the solid foundation set by its predecessor and further elevated it, offering a seamless blend of exploration and adventure. The game’s stunning landscapes of the Forbidden West are home to a rich and diverse world full of wildlife and ancient ruins, providing players with a truly immersive experience. The open-world nature of the game encourages exploration, as hidden secrets and breathtaking vistas await those who dare to venture off the beaten path.

The DLC’s portrayal of the Burning Shores is truly remarkable, as they are depicted as a character in their own right. We spent most of our time admiring the sights, such as the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, the Universe Studio-inspired amusement park, and an island constantly besieged by a localized thunderstorm. We even pushed the limits of the sky box to see how high we could fly before hitting the ceiling. Surprisingly, we soared upwards for almost three minutes, only to dismount and glide down to take in the stunning vistas and lava flows below Aloy. The game’s scenery is so breathtakingly beautiful that it blurs the line between reality and game, even the depths of the Great Sea appear so lifelike. We couldn’t help but marvel at their beauty.

Guerrilla Games has introduced a noteworthy aspect to the gameplay – the inclusion of verticality. Aloy, the protagonist, now has the ability to climb and scale towering cliffs, providing players with a unique perspective of the world. This new feature not only broadens the exploration possibilities, but also adds an element of strategic depth to combat encounters.

Rating: 8

Combat: Intense and Strategic Battles

The combat in Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores is both intense and strategic, requiring players to utilize a variety of weapons and tactics to overcome the numerous threats that await them. Aloy’s arsenal has been expanded, offering a wide range of weapons, traps, and tools to suit different playstyles. Whether it’s utilizing the stealthy precision of the bow or unleashing the devastating power of explosive arrows, players have the freedom to approach battles in their preferred manner.

The enemies in the game are diverse and challenging, ranging from smaller robotic creatures to massive, awe-inspiring beasts. Each enemy has its own unique weaknesses and behavior patterns, requiring players to adapt their strategies accordingly. Engaging in combat encounters feels satisfying, with precise aiming and well-timed dodges playing a crucial role in achieving victory.

One notable addition to the combat system is the ability to override and mount certain machines, turning them into powerful allies in the heat of battle. This adds a new layer of strategy, as players can strategically deploy their overridden machines to gain the upper hand in combat situations.

Rating: 9

Story: An Intriguing Tapestry of Mystery and Discovery

As stated earlier, Sylens has assigned us the mission to locate William Londra, the only surviving member of Far Zenith. Alongside our new DLC collaborator, Seyka, we embark on our quest. The storyline revolves around our growing bond and camaraderie with Seyka as we travel from one island to another in search of her sister, Kina. It is during this journey that we gain a deeper understanding of the Quen and their hierarchy, surpassing what we learned from our encounter with the unfortunate Ceo.

The story of Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores is an intriguing tapestry of mystery and discovery, weaving together elements of the past and present. As Aloy ventures into the Forbidden West, she unravels the secrets of a lost civilization and the enigmatic events that led to its downfall. The narrative is filled with twists and turns, keeping players engaged and eager to uncover the truth behind the world’s mysteries.

One of the strengths of the storytelling in Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores is the depth of its characters. Aloy’s journey is not just a solitary one, as she encounters a diverse cast of allies and adversaries along the way. Each character is well-developed and contributes to the overall narrative, adding layers of complexity and emotion to the story.

The world-building in the game is exceptional, with every location and landmark telling its own story. The attention to detail is evident, as players explore lush jungles, treacherous deserts, and underwater depths. The Forbidden West feels alive and vibrant, with remnants of the past scattered throughout the world, waiting to be discovered.

Rating: 8

Audio: A Sonic Masterpiece

The audio design in Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores is a sonic masterpiece, immersing players in a rich and atmospheric world. The hauntingly beautiful musical score, composed by the talented Joris de Man, sets the tone for each moment, evoking a wide range of emotions. From the ethereal melodies that accompany serene moments of exploration to the adrenaline-pumping orchestrations during intense battles, the music enhances the overall experience, deepening the immersion and emotional impact.

The voice acting in the game is exceptional, with talented performers bringing the characters to life with nuance and authenticity. Aloy, portrayed by the talented Ashly Burch, delivers a captivating performance, capturing the strength, vulnerability, and determination of the character. The supporting cast is equally impressive, with each voice actor breathing life into their respective roles, adding depth and personality to the narrative.

Sound effects in Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores are meticulously crafted, creating a sense of realism and immersion. From the sound of arrows piercing through the air to the thunderous footsteps of towering machines, every sound adds to the overall atmosphere and sense of presence within the game world. The attention to detail in the audio design is commendable, making the experience feel lifelike and enhancing the overall immersion.

Rating: 9

Graphics: Pure Eye-Candy Treat

Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores is a visual spectacle, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in terms of graphical fidelity and artistry. The game’s stunning visuals bring the vibrant and diverse world of the Forbidden West to life in breathtaking detail. From the lush vegetation and intricate ruins to the dynamic weather effects and realistic lighting, every aspect of the visuals is a testament to the incredible talent and dedication of the development team.

The character models in the game are beautifully crafted, with intricate facial animations and realistic expressions that add depth and believability to the characters. Aloy, in particular, receives a stunning visual upgrade, showcasing the evolution of her design and the power of the PlayStation 5 hardware.

The environments in Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores are vast and varied, offering a feast for the eyes as players explore the diverse landscapes. Whether it’s the vibrant colors of the tropical jungles or the desolate beauty of the sun-soaked deserts, each location is visually distinct and captivating. The attention to detail in the world design is impeccable, with subtle touches that add to the immersion, such as the swaying of grass in the wind or the reflection of light on water surfaces.

Technical aspects such as draw distance, texture quality, and frame rate are optimized to deliver a smooth and visually stunning experience. The game takes full advantage of the power of the PlayStation 5, with fast loading times and impressive graphical fidelity that showcase the capabilities of the next-generation hardware.

Rating: 9

Overall: A Masterpiece in the Making

Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores is a true masterpiece in the making. With its seamless blend of exploration and adventure, intense and strategic combat, intriguing story, captivating audio, and stunning graphics, it solidifies its position as one of the most impressive games of this generation.

Guerrilla Games has once again showcased their exceptional talent and vision, creating a game that pushes the boundaries of what is possible in the gaming medium. Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores is a testament to the power of interactive storytelling, immersing players in a breathtaking world filled with mystery, danger, and wonder.

As players embark on the journey alongside Aloy, they will be captivated by the seamless gameplay, engage in exhilarating combat encounters, unravel the secrets of a lost civilization, and be enveloped by the atmospheric audio and stunning visuals. Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores is a game that demands to be experienced, a true masterpiece that sets a new standard for the medium.

Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey into the Forbidden West and witness the evolution of an already beloved franchise. Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores is a game that showcases the best of what the medium has to offer, and it is sure to captivate players with its gameplay, combat, story, audio, and graphics. Get ready to be immersed in a world of awe-inspiring beauty, thrilling battles, and thought-provoking narratives. This is a game that will leave a lasting impression and solidify its place as one of the most memorable gaming experiences of this generation. So grab your bow, strap on your armor, and prepare to embark on an adventure unlike any other in Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores.

Rating: 9

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores Game Information

  • Price: $19.99
  • Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Developer: Guerrilla Games
  • Director: Mathijis de Jonge
  • Composer: Joris de Man
  • Platform: Sony PlayStation 5

Buy Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores from PSN Store: Link

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