How To Get Better At Playing Elden Ring And Shadow Of The Erdtree If You’re Bad At Souls-Likes

With the release of its Shadow of the Erdtree expansion, Elden Ring is once again one a must-play game. If you missed out on it when it first launched in 2022 and you’re considering picking it up, you might feel apprehensive when you hear how tough the game is. Fret not, because in a new video, GameSpot is ready to show you how you can survive and thrive in The Lands Between.

First off, if there’s one golden rule with Elden Ring and other Souls-like games, it’s that you need to be patient. Be Patient Pete–be the Tarnished warrior who approaches every battle with a wary nature and who waits for an opening. As GameSpot’s Devante Chisolm explains in the video, treat every encounter like a conversation: one where you can respond to a question with a perfectly timed attack when you have the chance to speak.

There are a few other tips to help you out–or you can check GameSpot’s Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree guides hub for more in-depth walkthroughs–like embracing growth through failure, using your free will to say “nope” to fights, and over-leveling your character to stand a better chance against some tough opponents. Did we mention that you should over-level your character? You should definitely over-level your character: we cannot stress this enough.

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