How To Get More Food In Manor Lords

Your citizens in Manor Lords can’t survive on an empty stomach. Well, some of them might be able to, but they’ll certainly feel a bit of disdain due to your neglect. As such, it’s imperative that you always have more than enough supplies, especially once the harvest season is over and winter is about to set in. Here’s our guide on how to get more food in Manor Lords.

How to get more food in Manor Lords

The items listed below are classified as food. Our Manor Lords food guide discusses how to acquire these during your playthrough:


Berries: The basic building blocks

Berries are likely to sustain your villagers for the first year or so. These come from Berry Deposits, which are seasonal. You can collect these by building the Forager’s Hut, which requires 1x Timber.

Note that deforestation can cause Berry Deposits to dwindle rapidly. As such, building a Logging Camp within the immediate vicinity is not advisable. The Forest Management development perk, meanwhile, doubles the capacity of Berry Deposits.

Meat: Protein for pros

Meat comes from areas with wild animals, denoted by a paw icon on the map. You can collect Meat by building a Hunting Camp, which costs nothing at all.

The key factor to remember when collecting Meat is that you must avoid placing buildings or other structures near wildlife sanctuaries. These will cause the animal population to dwindle due to the presence of humans.

Two development techs, Trapping and Advanced Skinning, also affect how much Meat you obtain. Trapping provides a passive income of Meat, whereas Advanced Skinning doubles the Meat acquired from animals.

Eggs and Vegetables: The barns in the backyard

You can also obtain food in Manor Lords by way of backyard extensions. These are structural upgrades for Burgage Plots (i.e. housing):

Vegetable Garden – Requires 15x Regional Wealth.Chicken Coop – Requires 25x Regional Wealth.

Bread: Buffin’ with muffins

We discuss various details in our farming/harvests guide, but here’s the gist:

Create a field that produces Wheat.Build a Farmhouse (3x Timber) and make sure it’s connected to the field.Have a Windmill (4x Timber) to turn Wheat into Flour.Have a Communal Oven (2x Timber) to turn Flour into Bread.

Later, you can unlock the Bakeries development/tech. This lets you create the Bakery extension for Burgage Plots. It also creates Bread, but at a faster and more efficient rate compared to Communal Ovens.

Lastly, there’s the Foreign Suppliers development perk. It lets you plop down one Food Cart at a marketplace. The Food Cart generates Bread at a passive rate as long as you have enough Regional Wealth.

Apples and Honey: Development bonuses and structures

Both Apples and Honey require upgrades found in the Development tab (i.e. click the name of your town). These are:

Orchardry – Allows you to select the Apple Orchard as a backyard extension for Burgage Plots.Beekeeping – Allows you to build the Apiary, where workers collect Honey from bees; maximum of two Apiaries per region.

Trading Posts: For times when you’re really hungry

Lastly, there might be instances when you absolutely need a particular food item and you don’t have the workers or materials to spare. Assuming you have some extra Regional Wealth, you can go ahead and import food via Trading Posts. Choose a particular item and pick either the “Import” or “Full Trade” rule. Then, set the surplus amount (i.e. you will continue to buy said item until it reaches that amount). You can learn more about these mechanics in our Trading Posts guide.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get more food in Manor Lords. For those who are new to the game, we encourage you to check our beginner’s guide.

Manor Lords is currently an early access game. As such, some mechanics and features may change in due course. In the meantime, you can take a look at other tips and strategies in our guides hub.

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