Manor Lords and a hidden risk of early access we don’t talk about

This week, everyone’s been talking about early access releases again. Why? The headline moment was No Rest for the Wicked developer Moon Studios defending a bumpy early access release by saying, “It’s already pretty clear that going with EA is one of the best decisions we could’ve made.” And then unexpectedly it added: Dark Souls 1 could have been better had it had an early access release too – an odd addendum and I’m not sure I agree with it, but OK. The other thing this week was mega-Wishlisted game Manor Lords arriving in early access in, again, an unfinished state. Neither of these things is remarkable. We know how early access releases go by now – we’ve had them for the past 10 years (god is it really that long?). We know games aren’t finished when they arrive, though there’s still a part of us that sees a game being sold for full-price-like money and expects a full-price-like experience from it. So around Manor Lords and No Rest for the Wicked, a familiar discussion has resurfaced, of when are – and when aren’t – early access releases a good thing?

There are some well-worn arguments here you will have heard before, and undeniably the open development model – which came in at around the same time as the ‘take back control from the publishers’ crowdfunding movement in 2012-ish – has notable benefits. It’s hard to argue against the added income a game makes by launching into early access, with which a developer can finish making a game, without cutting corners. And it’s hard to argue against having a huge and readily available QA team to playtest a game and new features, and offer feedback on them. You no longer need to guess what your audience likes: you simply can let them play it and see what they think. A lot of games that go through early access come out better on the other end, and some have been enormous successes, like Baldur’s Gate 3 and Hades and Slay the Spire. It’s no wonder each of the companies behind those particular games are set on using early access again.

Indeed, when I think about what I played of Manor Lords, early access seems like a great place for it. To my mind, it has some pacing issues and tuning kinks, and bugs – all of which I expected. It’s also still without some of the important pieces it needs to be a full experience, and all of that, early access can help with. I actually hope that with the money it earns, a few more developers will join the Manor Lords team. It’s been a solo project for several years but some extra people now will help push it down that final stretch. Who knows? Maybe the game will make so much money – there are 3m people with it on their Steam Wishlist after all – Manor Lords will be able to achieve things previously thought out of reach. That’s what happened with Baldur’s Gate 3, remember – the scope of the game increased because of its early access success.

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