New Study Reveals How Playing Video Games Makes People Feel

GameSpot parent company Fandom has released its sixth annual Inside Fandom study, and this one reveals insights into how people play and feel about games and general entertainment.

One of the key findings of the study, called The Power of Me Time, is that 54% of consumers spend their free time on gaming and entertainment each week. The study found that 80% of consumers said they considered playing games or watching TV/movies as a passion, beating out other popular interests like music (75%), food and cooking (52%), sports (44%), and travel (38%).

Further, the study found that gaming can provide an emotional outlet–and a positive one. Respondents reported feeling more stimulated, accomplished, and focused after playing games. People reported feeling relaxed, happy, and zen primarily when watching TV or movies. This compares to other leisure activities like sports, which the study found elicited feelings of frustration and anxiety.

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