Next week’s Epic Games Store freebie has been revealed

With the Epic Games Store’s latest weekly freebie offers now live, Epic has turned its gaze to the far-flung future of seven days time, confirming acclaimed cyberpunk action-parkour adventure Ghostrunner will be its next free title from Thursday, 11th April.

Ghostrunner, which launched to much acclaim back in October 2020, cast players as protagonist Jack as they scale the dystopian Dharma Tower – humanity’s last shelter following a cataclysmic event – on a quest to topple the tyrannical Keymaster and take their revenge.

What follows is some brutally difficult first-person parkour action, as players leap and bound their way across neon-smeared levels, eliminating enemies in bouts of breathlessly balletic katana swinging. Unless they’re terrible at it like me, in which case they’ll lumber clumsily around the place, forget which buttons they’re supposed to press then quit in a furious rage.

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