Nightdive Studios are bringing back 90’s shooter PO’ed in all its frying-pan wielding glory

It’s usually better when writing about games to defer to personal experience before regurgitating marketing, but in the case of bizarre and deeply intriguing 90’s FPS PO’ed, the trailer that STAR WARS: Dark Forces Remaster studio Nightdive released over the long weekend contains a quote that sums up my memories perfectly: “First game I ever owned and played on my PS1,” says quote-ee matt.baller, “In hindsight, I’m surprised I’m not more messed up.”

PO’ed, in which you play a Pissed Off space chef crash-landed on an alien world, was not the very first game I owned for my PS1, but it was certainly one of, and it left a very strong impression. Probably because the first weapon you get is a frying pan, which you then use to batter horrible chicken-leg aliens. If you’re as lost as I imagine anyone hearing of this for the first time might rightly be, here’s that trailer.

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