One Of GTA Online’s Most Requested Features Finally Arrives, Is Locked Behind Paywall

A new update for GTA Online this week introduced a quality-of-life feature that fans have been requesting for years, but it’s locked behind a paywall and some are worried about what this might mean for 2025’s Grand Theft Auto VI.

The Bottom Dollar Bounties update introduced a Vinewood Club App–exclusive to GTA+ subscribers–that players can access on the home screen of their in-game phone. The app allows players to buy ammo and cars and collect cash without needing to run around Los Santos. It’s a welcome feature that people have wanted for years, but some are disappointed that it’s only available for GTA+ subscribers.

Beyond that disappointment, people on Reddit and other parts of the internet are wondering if Rockstar Games is doing this as a test of sorts prior to Grand Theft Auto VI’s release next year (via GamesRadar). From Rockstar and parent company Take-Two’s perspective, GTA+ is another revenue stream beyond the initial game sale and standard microtransactions to become a third prong for making money. The thinking from fans goes that if putting features behind a paywall like GTA+ leads to more sign-ups to the service, then Rockstar/Take-Two might be encouraged to expand even more in this area.

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