RPS Game Club Asks: What do you think of Lethal Company?

To keep the ball rolling with this month’s Game Club pick, we’re asking what you, the readers, think of Lethal Company?

By now, I can confidently say that the RPS team are scrap collecting experts and can easily meet the quota set by the enigmatic Company. Much to James’ chagrin, who prefers the chaos of being objectively ‘bad’ at the game. So confident was I in our abilities after our co-op sesh, that I dove into a solo game. Cue immediate death by a vengeful face-hugging bug. I’m expecting my first round of xenomorph child maintenance fees any day now.

With our blog chat scheduled for Friday 26th April, 4 PM GMT, here are a few conversation prompts we’ve gathered ahead of time. Tell us your thoughts in the comments and shoot any questions our way too. We hope to see you there!

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