Save on Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick In 4K UHD at Best Buy
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Black Friday deals are already starting up, and Best Buy has an excellent variety of items to pick through right now. In particular, their 4K movie selection has some fantastic deals available, including on both Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick on 4K UHD. Both are marked down $17 from their usual price, so you can pick them up for $8 and $10, respectively. What better way to spend the holiday season than with this double feature?
Get a head start on your Black Friday shopping and pick them up at the links below.
Save $17 on Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick in 4K UHD at Best Buy
There are actually several 4K movies marked down to $10 at Best Buy for Black Friday, so if you’re looking to build out your physical media collection there’s no better time to do it. Alongside Top Gun and its incredible sequel, the list of available deals features some more all-timers that are worth picking up, including The Shawshank Redemption in 4K and Dune in 4K. Considering Best Buy’s recent announcement that it no longer plans to sell physical movies and TV shows starting in early 2024, you’ll want to pick these up quick before they’re gone.
These deals just scratch the surface of what’s to come during the holiday shopping season, though. If you’re curious about what else you can expect during the sale event at Best Buy, we have a roundup of Best Buy’s Black Friday deals right now to help you out. We also have roundups for other retailers – like Amazon, Walmart, and Costco – with details on what you can expect from them as well. The latter even has their Black Friday ad out, so you can start planning your holiday season shopping right now.
Hannah Hoolihan is a freelance writer who works with the Guides and Commerce teams here at IGN.
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