Slitterhead really wants you to know you can play as a dog

New gameplay footage from Slitterhead has dropped from PAX West, and once again, Slitterhead is really emphasising the fact you can play as a dog.

We first got a good look at Bokeh Studio’s Slitterhead last summer when a developer diary revealed new details about its inaugural title, including a sneaky peek at some of the game’s enemies, abilities, and – surprise! – the ability to play as a dog, something reprised in leaked footage in June, too.

Now, Gematsu has shared three videos of footage taken at PAX West (one is embedded above; the other two can be seen here and here), which give us a better look at how The Spirit moves around the world, slipping from person to person (or dog to person, as the case may be), as well as its dark, detailed urban environments.

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