Sony To Reveal “Long-Term” Vision This Month, PlayStation Described As “Essential”

Sony has announced that will share its “long-term vision” for the company overall this month, and this includes an update from the PlayStation division. The company said in a release that Sony Interactive Entertainment, which is the PlayStation unit of Sony Group, has an “essential role” to play in Sony Group’s future.

The fact that Sony said it will have an update to share this month has led some to believe there could be another PlayStation Showcase in the works. But that is only an unsubstantiated rumor for now. Another possibility is that Sony might conduct a business-focused briefing of some capacity where SIE’s new joint CEOs could discuss their plans for the future.

Hiroki Totoki was the interim CEO of SIE after the departure of Jim Ryan earlier this year. Totoki is now becoming chairman of SIE going forward, with Hermen Hulst and Hideaki Nishino reporting to him when they become joint CEOs of SIE on June 1.

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