The Casting Of Frank Stone – All Artifact Locations

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

There are 30 Artifacts to find in The Casting of Frank Stone. If you’ve played previously released Dark Pictures Anthology games, then you can think of these items as secrets or collectibles, ones that offer a glimpse into the backstory and lore surrounding the setting. Here’s our guide to help you get all Artifacts in The Casting of Frank Stone. Oh, and do take note that this article contains minor spoilers.

Where to find all Artifacts in The Casting of Frank Stone

Our The Casting of Frank Stone Artifacts guide is organized based on the collectibles that you can acquire in each chapter. However, we also advise you to check our “Everyone Survives” walkthrough. That’s because there are certain scenes and locations that only become available if specific characters are still alive by the time you reach that point in the campaign.

It’s also worth mentioning that Artifacts are broken down into three categories with 10 collectibles each:

The Storyteller – Gives you more information about Augustine Lieber’s involvement.The Champion – Lets you know more about Frank Stone’s origin.Murder Mill – Focuses on props and posters from the 1980 B-movie.

While these items are numbered accordingly in the Collections menu, some are obtained out of order. For instance, you might stumble upon “The Champion #6” well before you find “The Champion #5.” Don’t worry since we’ve got you covered.

Chapter 1: Sam – Staff File and Symbols

The Champion #1: Staff File – Found inside a locker once you enter the steel mill office. Make sure to grab it before you pry the wooden board to exit this room.

The Champion #2: Symbols – As you’re venturing deeper into the storm drain, you should find drawings etched on the wall to your right.

Chapter 2: Madison – Estate Letter, Epic of Gilgamesh, and Movie Poster

The Storyteller #1: Estate Letter – Found on a desk inside the living room on the second floor.

The Champion #4: Epic of Gilgamesh – Check the table inside the first-floor lounge.

Murder Mill #1: Movie Poster – You can also find this Artifact in The Casting of Frank Stone inside the lounge. Once you open the dresser, a cutscene will play, which causes you to advance to the next chapter.

Chapter 3: Chris and Jaime – Lost Movie Magazine and Lawyer Letter

Murder Mill #2: Lost Movie Magazine – On a side counter in the Pharmacy.

The Storyteller #2: Lawyer Letter – Check the stacked shelves inside the Curiosity antique shop.

Note that you’re asked to choose which establishment to visit first. You’ll still be able to check out both stores, so don’t worry about it.

Chapter 4: Linda – Blueprints and Face of Evil

The Storyteller #3: Blueprints – Upon exiting the lounge, check the large portrait of Archibald Macmillan. Then, pan the camera downward and wipe the dirt off the nameplate. This will reveal a hidden security room where you’ll find this design.

The Champion #6: Face of Evil – This book is on a desk which you’ll spot upon reaching the second floor.

Chapter 5: Jaime – Oracle of the Omniverse and Old Newspaper Article

The Champion #3: Old Newspaper Article and Murder Mill #4: Oracle of the Omniverse – Both of these are found inside Jaime’s garage. Be sure to pick them up before advancing the chapter.

Chapter 5: Jaime – Weapon Designs

The Champion #5: Weapon Designs – Once you’ve made your way inside the wagon, you’ll spot this on the desk. Grab this before you reach for the jar on the shelf, since doing so advances the chapter further.

Chapter 6: Madison – Fanzine Review and Deed of Sale

Murder Mill #3: Fanzine Review – Pick up this magazine from the coffee table on the top floor of the atrium.

Murder Mill #5: Deed of Sale – Take a look at the dresser at the far corner of the room. It’s a bit hard to see since it’s dark.

Chapter 6: Linda – Demonic Statue, Riot Broadcast, Fiction Book, and Broken Super 8

The Storyteller #7: Fiction Book – After solving the gate puzzle, the trio should find themselves inside Augustine’s repository, which is filled with collections that are nods to Dead By Daylight. This particular book is on a counter next to the blazing fire.

The Storyteller #8: Demonic Statue – This statue of Pazuzu is one of the exhibits. We think this is a reference to House of Ashes, also developed by Supermassive Games.

Murder Mill #6: Riot Broadcast – Check the corner of the room and press the button on the device to play this broadcast.

Murder Mill #7: Broken Super 8 – Interact with the table at the back of the room. Once you open the drawer, you’ll see this camera and trigger a cutscene that advances the chapter.

Chapter 8: Madison – Shrine

The Storyteller #6: Shrine – While making your way through the mind-boggling corridors, you should see the shrine to your left. Be sure to inspect it before you go downstairs toward the eerie green light.

Chapter 8: Linda – T-Shirt, Fake Prop Arm, Flawed Lamp, Alt Movie Scene, and Logan Chen Letter

Murder Mill #8 and 10: Fake Prop Arm and T-Shirt – Both of these are found inside the large storeroom in between shelves.

The Storyteller #7: Flawed Lamp – This object is at the back-right corner of the room.

Murder Mill #9: Alt Movie Scene – If you interact with the reel at the back of the room, you’ll end up advancing the chapter further, so make sure you pick up the ones mentioned above.

The Storyteller #8: Logan Chen Letter – A bit earlier in this chapter, Linda and Sam will be walking along a corridor. Sam will stumble, and you have the option to grab his pouch or diary. Take his diary and pass the skill check to gain a discovery. Later after you’ve checked the Alt Movie Scene, Linda will be scrounging for items in boxes. She’ll find this letter and confront Sam about it.

Chapter 9: Linda – Grandmother Letter

The Champion #7: Grandmother Letter – We were able to get this particular chapter sequence by evading Frank and repairing the generator in Chapter 7. Then, when we gained control of Linda in Chapter 9, we picked up the key from a file cabinet in the corner of the room. We then used it to open a nearby locker.

Chapter 9: Linda – Frank’s Journal

The Champion #8: Frank’s Journal – After getting past the steam vents, you’ll come across two doors. One of them can be opened, so enter the room and crawl through the shaft. You’ll reach the adjacent room that has this particular document. This place also happens to be Frank’s lair.

Chapter 12: Madison – Grimoire Page and Session Tape

The Storyteller #9: Grimoire Page – Inside the room where you find the music box and necklace, you should also see a notebook on a dresser. Inspecting it nets you this Artifact in The Casting of Frank Stone. The music box key will also fall on the floor.

The Champion #9: Session Tape – In the long hallway, play this tape to hear a recording.

Chapter 14: Linda – ID Card

The Champion #10: ID Card – After escaping from Frank in the living room, Linda and Madison will find themselves in a darkened room with a generator. Make sure you pick up this ID card off the counter before you repair the generator.

Chapter 14: Madison – Bloodied Ring

The Storyteller #10: Bloodied Ring – We were able to get this Artifact in The Casting of Frank Stone by ensuring that Madison stayed alive throughout the whole ordeal. This led to a particular scene where we walked along a forest path. At the very end, just before the glowing light of a campfire, we picked up this ring. We can also confirm that Linda can reach this area if Madison died earlier in the game.

That does it for our The Casting of Frank Stone Artifacts guide. We hope you’re able to acquire all of these items during your playthrough. Of course, don’t forget to check our guides about the other collectibles, such as Relliks and Trinkets. Lastly, we do recommend taking a look at our walkthroughs: one where “Everyone Survives” and another where “Everyone Dies” at the end.

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