The Sims 2 cheat codes list
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
If you’re looking for cheats for The Sims 2 (which is out for PC as part of The Sims: Legacy Collection, allowing fans to play the game without having to jump through a bunch of hoops for the first time in a long while), then you’ve come to the right place.
Below, we list all of the working cheats in The Sims 2 that we know of, along with what they do, and how to use them, thanks to help from The Sims Wiki. There may be more cheats, but these are the ones we can confirm work in the game. And if you’re looking for more Legacy Collection cheats, see our guide to The Sims 1 cheat codes.
How to input cheats in The Sims 2
By pressing Ctrl + Shift + C, you can open up a text command bar. Typing in specific cheats and hitting enter will open your game up to all sorts of new possibilities. You can add money, max out your Sims’ motives, and even do fiddly things when it comes to build mode that you wouldn’t be able to do normally.
To use these cheats, just type (or paste) them into the command bar mentioned above without the brackets. You’ll need to input a numeric value, “on,” “off,” “true,” or “false” for some of the cheats, which we explain more for each respective cheat.
There are a few commands you can also use to fiddle with the command console, too:
Cheat code | Effect |
help | Lists a bunch of (but not all of) cheats |
exit | Closes the cheat console (though you can also just press Esc.) |
expand | Expands the cheat console. |
clear | Clears the cheat console of any previous commands. |
All gameplay cheat codes for The Sims 2
These are cheats that directly affect your gameplay, like money cheats that will beef up your family funds or cheats that will allow you to change skill levels and stuff like that.
Cheat code | Effect |
kaching | Gives the houshold 1,000 Simoleons |
motherlode | Gives the household 50,000 Simoleons |
familyFunds [last name] [#] | Changes the household funds to whatever number you input |
aging [on/off] | Disables or re-enables aging for the Sims on the lot. |
maxMotives | Maxes the motives of all the Sims on the lot. |
motiveDecay [on/off] | Toggles motive decay for every Sim on the lot. |
aspirationLevel [#] | Sets the Sims aspiration to whatever level you input between 0 and 5. |
aspirationPoints [#] | Gives the Sim as many aspiration points as you input. |
lockAspiration [on/off] | Locks the aspirations of Sims on the lot. |
unlockCareerRewards | Unlocks all career rewards for selected Sim. |
boolProp testingcheatsenabled [true/false] | Toggles testing cheats, which allows you to spawn in debugging items and manipulate skill levels, personalities, relationships, and motives. This code needs to be inputted before you select the household. |
loadLot [lot name] | Loads the inputted lot. Requires testingcheatsenabled to be toggled.. |
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims [#] | Sets the max number of visiting Sims on the lot to whatever number you input. |
deleteAllCharacters [true/false] | Deletes all characters in the neighborhood, but also can cause corruption. |
StretchSkeleton [#] | Adjusts a Sim’s height, with 1 being the default height. |
bugJarTimeDecay [true/false] | Toggles if bugs in jars die or not. |
setHour [#] | Sets the time to the value inputted between 0 and 23. |
All build mode cheat codes for The Sims 2
These are cheats that will change your build mode capabilities, allowing you to place objects in places you wouldn’t be able to, as well as toggle the appearances of some objects.
Cheat code | Effect |
moveObjects [on/off] | Toggles the ability to place and move objects freely. (Note that this can cause routing and interaction problems if the objects you move aren’t deemed accessible.) |
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true/false] | Toggles the ability to place and move objects without the grid. |
boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [true/false] | Toggles the ability to rotate objects 45 degrees. |
boolProp lotTerrainPaints [true/false] | Toggles the appearance of plants on the ground. |
boolProp lotWater [true/false] | Toggles the decorative water on the lot (not pools). |
boolProp lockTiles [true/false] | Toggles the ability to edit the sidewalks and roads. |
boolProp constrainFloorElevation [true/false] | Toggles the ability to change elevations of tiles with walls, flooring, and foundation on them. |
boolProp ShowCatalogePFlags [true/false] | Toggles the ability to see which DLC the objects in buy mode came from. |
terrainType [x] | Changes the terrain type to what you input (Temperate/Desert/Dirt/Concrete) |
All visual cheat codes for The Sims 2
These cheats are more niche and only affect the visuals in the game. This is useful for toggling shadows, object rendering, and the like, which in turn can make the game run better, if you’re playing on a lower-spec PC. There’s also some interesting cheats in here that add effects on the screen, which can be helpful if you like making movies or taking specific types of screenshots of your Sims.
Cheat code | Effect |
PlumbBobToggle | Toggles the showing of the Plumbbob. |
showHeadlines [on|off] | Toggles thought and speech bubbles. |
boolProp objectShadows [true/false] | Toggles the shadows from outdoor objects. |
boolProp guob [true/false] | Toggles the shadows from indoor objects. |
boolProp simShadows [true/false] | Toggles the shadows from Sims. |
floatprop particleDensity [0-10] | Sets the strength of transparent effects (like stink clouds) with 0 removing them entirely, 1 being the default, and 10 being the max visibility. |
boolProp lotTerrainLighting [true/false] | Toggles the light-up effect that happens when you mouse over a lot. |
boolProp displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel [true/false] | Toggles the visuals of the bridges in the neighborhood. |
boolProp displayLotImposters [true/false] | Toggles the visuals of the buildings in the neighborhood. |
boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater [true/false] | Toggles the visuals of water in the neighborhood. |
boolProp displayNeighborhoodFlora [true/false] | Toggles the visuals of shrubbery and plants in the neighborhood. |
boolProp displayNeighborhoodRoads [true/false] | Toggles the visuals of roads in the neighborhood. |
boolProp displayNeighborhoodProps [true/false] | Toggles the visuals of decorations in the neighborhood. |
boolprop nhoodWaterReflection [true/false] | Toggles the reflections in the water in the neighborhood. |
boolProp CameraDriftCamEnabled [true/false] | Toggles the idle camera movement in the neighborhood. |
boolProp carsCompact [true/false] | Toggles the detail of the car models in the neighborhood. |
boolProp carsOnRight [true/false] | Toggles what side of the road cars drive on in the neighborhood. |
boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename [true/false] | Toggles the appearance of the lot’s filename when you mouse over a lot. |
boolProp renderSelectedSimLevel [true/false] | Toggles the wall cut away effect on selected Sims if you use the cutaway mode. |
boolProp renderInsideObjectOnlyOnSelectedSimLevel [true/false] | Toggles the appearance of objects that aren’t on the same floor as your selected Sim. |
boolProp displayPaths [true/false] | Toggles the path display when your Sim is moving. |
boolProp displayLookAtBoxes [true/false] | Toggles the appearance of boxes around your Sims’ faces. |
boolProp allObjectLightsOn [true/false] | Toggles all lights to be on continuously rather than only when set to being on. |
vsync [on/off] | Toggles vsync. |
boolProp useShaders [true/false] | Toggles graphical shaders, which improves graphics. |
boolProp bumpMapping [true/false] | Toggles bump maps, which increases detail on walls, floors, and clothes. |
boolProp reflectionWithExtraViewer [true/false] | Toggles mirror reflections. |
faceBlendLimits [on/off] | Toggles facial bounding limitations. |
boolProp simpleTerrain [true/false] | Toggles simple neighborhood terrain textures. |
slowMotion [#] | Slows down the game depending on the number you input with 0 being normal speed and 8 being the slowest speed. |
boolProp enablePostProcessing [true/false] | Toggles the ability to use postprocessing cheats. |
bloom [r g b x] | A postprocessing cheat that adds blur and bloom. You will need to enter the respective RGB values for the “r,” “g,” and “b.” “X” is the bloom amount set between 0 and 1. |
vignette [centerX centerY X] | A postprocessing cheat that adds a vignette. (Upper left is 0,0, lower right is 1,1). “X” is the amount of blurring between 0 and 1. |
filmGrain [#] | A postprocessing cheat that adds a film grain effect based on the number you input with 0 being the least amount of grain and 1 being the most. |
letterBox [#] | A postprocessing cheat that adds a letterbox effect based on the number you input between 0 and 0.4. |