Watch Witch Watch’s new trailer for some witchy watchiness

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

A pink haired girl flying on a pink broom, in a still from Witch Watch

If you have been craving some good witch content, look no further.

Magical romantic comedy anime Witch Watch is all about a Nico, a young witch in high school. Sure, there’s a dire prophecy hanging over her foretelling some cataclysmic events… but that just means she gets to move in with her handsome childhood friend and crush Morihito (who happens to be an ogre) and attend a new school, full of kooky characters! Magic and mundane collide!

A new trailer showcasing the English voice cast also introduces some of these other characters. There are other magical characters, like an elite witch and a tengu. And there’s also the class president and a self-proclaimed otaku. We also get a glimpse of Nico’s spells, like one she uses to make her Morihito’s head huge and another that turns her into a Flat Stanley-esque figure swept away by the wind.

Witch Watch kicks off on April 6, streaming on Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchyroll, with the English dub coming April 27.

Editor-in-Chief for Robots Over Dinosaurs Anthony has been gaming since the 1980s. Working adjacent to the gaming industry for the last 20 years, his experience led him to open Robots Over Dinosaurs.

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