Watch Devs Intentionally Break Their Games By Multiplying A Number By 1,000
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
The game developers of X {formerly Twitter) have been purposefully introducing glitches into their games this week, just to see what would happen–and the results are hilarious. Challenged with multiplying a random value from their game files by 1,000, multiple game devs have posted varied results including giant enemies, floods of spawned items, and super-powerful attacks.
The trend was started by developer Tyler Glaiel, who is currently working on Mewgenics. Glaiel shared a GIF that showed the game with massively increased gore splatter, and then challenged other developers to post similar results from their own games in development.
— Tyler Glaiel (@TylerGlaiel) May 8, 2024
It’s not uncommon for these kinds of bugs to happen unintentionally during game development, when a developer accidentally enters one too many or too few zeros in a data field, but making them happen on purpose can be just as fun.