Giant Bomb Series Metal Gear Scanlon Is Now Free On YouTube
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
To celebrate GameSpot sister-site Giant Bomb’s sixteenth anniversary, the entirety of Let’s Play series Metal Gear Scanlon is now on YouTube for free.
So named for co-host Drew Scanlon, the series sees him and Dan Ryckert, among other guests, tackle each of Metal Gear Solid’s major titles, from the original PlayStation game to Metal Gear Rising Revengence to The Phantom Pain. Scanlon had never played Metal Gear before doing the series, so Ryckert acts as a tour guide. On YouTube, each season has been put into a giant, multi-hour video, but no further editing has been done.
Drew Scanlon was a Giant Bomb staff member until 2017, but you might know him best as the “blinking white guy” in that one gif. He currently works at video game development studio Digital Eclipse. Ryckert is presently creative director at Giant Bomb.